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A Seal of Guarantee

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Nothing in this world is more important than the guarantee of the eternal Salvation of the soul. Jesus said, “What profit will man have if he gains the whole world, but loses his soul?” It is impossible to conquer and maintain it without the active participation of the Holy Spirit. Only He is able to teach, guide, strengthen, sustain, and keep His Son’s followers on the Way.

Every branch that does not bear fruit is cut off. Only the branches that bear fruit remain on the tree. The Holy Spirit is the Sap that gives life to the branch. Without Him, it withers.

I have seen many people healed of many diseases and illnesses, freed from all sorts of evil spirits, achieve financial stability, this is, obtaining wonders by faith and then abandoning it altogether. Unfortunately, most people forget that, if by faith we conquered, by doubt we lose. Faith needs maintenance; otherwise, it evaporates.

Only those who are sealed with the Holy Spirit have remained firm. They are the true “called and chosen ones.”

God has called many, but only a few have been chosen. Is this Divine injustice? No, not at all. Just like the salvation of the soul is offered to everyone, so is the baptism with the Holy Spirit. The problem is that not everyone is willing to sacrifice their life. In such case, what can God do?

Every material asset requires maintenance. The same is true regarding the greatest spiritual asset: the salvation of the soul. The Holy Spirit is the Flame that keeps the faith from going out. He is the Seal that guarantees eternal life.

But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you shall be My witnesses… Acts 1.8