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No one is born without a past because, in our DNA, our parents' past is inherited. But this can be broken, and you can write a new future from now on.

What do you mean? Does a newborn baby already have a past? Yes. When we are born, we already inherit our DNA codes from our parents. These codes talk about our physical structure but also about our personality and inclinations.

Have you ever heard from a doctor: “Did your parents have such a health problem?” Why are doctors so interested in your parents’ health history? It is because we inherit such characteristics from our parents.

On the spiritual side, it’s no different…

The Word of God speaks of generations that have carried the consequences of their ancestors’ mistakes.

Many people these days are repeating the “software” that was “installed” by their parents.

And that’s why many people, even seeing their parents suffer, can’t help but repeat their mistakes.

So, given that, what to do? Start by watching the video above.

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Bishop Renato Cardoso