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IntelliMen 2.0 – Challenge #5

Imagem de capa - IntelliMen 2.0 – Challenge #5

Men. Intelligent.© 2016

Challenge #5  Do this only after completing Challenge #4

This is IntelliMen 2.0. If you want to join the Project and get the best results, begin with the 53 Challenges.

Challenge: Create your own challenge.

Explanation: No one knows your limitations, fears and need to grow better than yourself. Because of this, no one is better at challenging you, than yourself.

This month, identify an area of personal growth or accomplishment that is a real challenge for you. Something that is achievable within the next 28 days (if you can’t complete it in 28 days, you should at least be able to see significant progress within that period of time).

This challenge will also serve to get you into the habit of challenging yourself. Independent of IntelliMen challenges, or people or situations that will challenge you from time to time, you need to get used to challenging yourself. Every time you feel you’re at a standstill, feel stuck in a routine or notice that you’re not being challenged, this is your cue to create a personal challenge.

Notebook: You will need to spend 15 to 30 minutes alone to think about this challenge. Set aside this time for yourself and write down in your notebook areas of personal growth or accomplishment that you identify. Decide on what your challenge will be and what you will do about it over the next 28 days.

Official Buddy: After doing this challenge, share your experiences and conclusions.

Deadline: This challenge can be started immediately and concluded in 28 days, before Challenge #6.

Posting: After — and only after — you have concluded this challenge and spoken to your Buddy, post your comments on the IntelliMen World Facebook page (not your personal page) or on Twitter, with this heading:

#intellimen2challenge5 completed: With this challenge, I’ve created the habit of challenging myself.

Links: (when you post on Twitter, use @IntelliMen27 in your message)


Verification checklist

I created and completed my own challenge
I made notes in my notebook
I spoke with my Buddy about this challenge
I posted my comments on Facebook/Twitter



If everything seems under control, you’re just not going fast enough. – Mario Andretti, one of car racing’s most successful drivers


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