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The gossip ends when it reaches the ears of a righteous person. So observe very well who you are listening to

A verse known to many but not always practised says: “Do not be deceived: “Evil company corrupts good habits” (1 Coríntios 15:33).

When the Bible warns by saying, “Do not be deceived, ” it is clear that no matter how much human beings think, they have enough understanding to recognise when something is harming them, but in reality, they don’t. This is because our defence mechanism is much sharper when the threat is considerable and imminent. But against dangers that are more subtle and pleasant, that do not cause immediate damage, unfortunately, the human being is very complacent, very slow and sometimes never wakes up to this danger that threatens their life.

And the “evil company”, for example, in a way, is pleasant because they have that element of the “forbidden”, that element of “no one talks about it” and “I think the same way”. You feel powerful because you can join a circle of people and vent about something. There’s that feeling of “I’m more informed than you”.

Evil company (as well as food that is harmful and silently kills the person who eats it) corrupts good habits.

When you least realise good habits have given way to eavesdropping and have given way to curiosity about the mistakes of others.

The world is eager for bad news, for gossip. But you see in Proverbs, chapter 13, verse 20: “He who walks with wise men will be wise, But the companion of fools will be destroyed.”

So, if you want to be wise, be careful who you walk with and who you listen to.

Resist within you. Don’t satisfy this yearning of your ear. And if someone always comes to bring you something bad, cut that person off. They may not be worthy of being in your circle of friendship or contact list. Think very well about it.

I was thinking about the episode at the foot of the Sinai (Exodus 32) when the people pressured Aaron to make a golden calf (which would be their god). Someone suggested, “Why don’t we make a golden calf?” Then someone heard and spread until it arrived in Aaron, who did not have the strength to say “no” to those people.

There are a lot of people like Aaron who are not strong enough to say: “How dare you bring this information to me?” There is a phrase like this: “The gossip dies when it hits a wise person’s ears”.

If you dared to say this to certain people, the gossip would die there, and your good habits would not be corrupted. Who knows?

Check out the entire message in the video above.

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Bishop Renato Cardoso