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Do you know what's behind the carnival? It's far beyond just a party; understand and make your decision.

Don’t be naive. Carnival is something spiritual. When it comes to Carnival, it soon thinks of the “party of the flesh”. How can there be spirituality in something that is of the flesh? Let’s understand some facts about Carnival.

When you search for the word’s origin, “Carnival” means “a farewell to the flesh”. It’s a kind of “bachelor’s or stag party”. There are men who, when they get married, know that they will leave the nights out, that lifestyle; then they give themselves into everything that their flesh will no longer practice, supposedly, after they are married. Carnival has the same reasoning.

Have you noticed that Carnival falls on a different date in Brazil every year? It’s because it’s directly linked to Easter in the Holy Week. If you look at the world, Carnival is usually celebrated in countries of Catholic tradition. Because, in the Catholic tradition, there is Lent, in which the faithful dedicate themselves to sanctification, it is a kind of “spiritual diet” for the Holy Week. Carnival always falls 40 days before the Holy Week. See that everything has a spiritual backdrop.

And why Carnival before the Holy Week? It’s the farewell of the flesh. “Since we will spend 40 days without satisfying the flesh, why don’t we have a party to cheer up the flesh for one last time?” And Carnival was created.

It’s like the person who is going to start the diet on Monday, and on the weekend, they eat pizza and hamburgers and do everything they can’t do during the diet. That’s Carnival.

Look at the hypocrisy: if the idea is to enter a period of sanctification for Easter, why fall into sin now? Why dive head first into the flesh, which is contrary to what you are proposing to do for 40 days? In other words, “before I seek God, I’m going to lie down with the devil”. This is the spirit behind Carnival. It is the pinnacle of hypocrisy, of surrendering to sin, of everything contrary to God.

And what is the mind that you think is behind this idea? “Since you are going to give yourself to God, then first, give yourself to me.” Did you understand? It’s a satanic mindset.

See that there is an increase of bad things in Carnival: garbage in the city, betrayals, robberies, drunkenness, traffic accidents, diseases, unwanted pregnancy. It’s because people are going to the street to meet the spirits who are also on the street and will make a kind of wedding. They are saying to the demons: “Use me because I want to do everything I want”.

Therefore, do not be naive to think that Carnival is merely popular culture, a party (and that those who criticise want to be a “killjoy”). What I’m explaining is history. Do your research. And if you have some sense, you will say: “My God, let it be far from me anything that has to do with Carnival”.

This subject is vital. Think about it through the video above.

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Bishop Renato Cardoso