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Do you know your weakness?

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You are not Superman, but even he has a weak point: kryptonite. However much of a superman or superwoman you might be, there is a part of you that is weak. Another name we can give to this is Achilles Heel, an expression that comes from Greek mythology. Achilles was an invincible hero that had only one vulnerable spot, by which he was killed: his heel.

There is a reason why every fictional hero has a weak point in addition to their superpowers.  It reminds us that we have our own weaknesses.  No one in this world is invulnerable.  What is your weakness?  Below is a list of 10 common weaknesses (there are many more):

  1.  Alcohol, drugs, tcigarettes and other addictive substances: your escape valve from reality.  Video games and other similar games can also be included because of their tendency to remove us from reality.
  2. Women: some men find it hard to have only one.
  3. Men: some women need one to feel fulfilled.
  4. Money: you do everything and more for it, even if it is illegal or compromises your principles.
  5. Pride: a weak point for us all. There are so many ways to wound it… being ignored, when others fail to recognize our worth, being corrected, when our mistakes are pointed out, the embarrassment that comes from asking for forgiveness, a comment about our appearance, being outdone by someone better than us… The list is long. We can even be proud of our humility!
  6. Sex: pornography, masturbation, having multiple partners, being obsessed with sex.
  7. Emotions: sadness, anger, feeling depressed, feeling we are being given little attention, low self-esteem, hatred, grudges, being touchy, timidity, embarrassment.
  8. Our childhood: not always easy to detect, an unstable, incomplete, abusive childhood, or one marked by the absence of parents that serve as good role models, can all open the door for various problems as an adult.
  9. Being prone to doubt: a person that doesn’t know what he wants, whose opinions vary, who is indecisive, being overly dependent on the opinions of others.
  10. Fear: to make a mistake, to lose what you have, of the future, to be alone, to lose control, of what people think, to appear ridiculous… Fear, like pride, affects all of us to varying degrees. It is the absence of faith,

You have at least one weak point.  This doesn’t make you less than anyone else, only human.  What you cannot do is ignore it.

Identify what it is, recognize it as a weakness and develop intelligent strategies to overcome it.

You don’t have to be weak because you have a weak point. Just be smarter than it.



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