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The first exquisite miracle of the Lord Jesus was to show us that everything, absolutely everything, that He is involved with improves with time and does not get worse. Take this tip and put it into practice in 2024.

The beginning of the Lord Jesus’ ministry was marked by His baptism in the water at the age of 30. He received the Holy Spirit soon after as a model of what should happen to us. The baptism of repentance should not be for children but a decision of an adult or adolescent who has already reached the age of reason.

The next step after baptism in the water is to receive baptism in the Holy Spirit, which is God dwelling within us, guiding us. Soon after, He was invited to a wedding in Cana of Galilee, where He performed His first miracle: turning water into wine (John 2:1-10).

No miracle of Jesus was by chance or in vain, but this one is different from the others in how it happened. The wine finished before the party, which was a shame for the hosts. Meeting the moment’s need, Jesus ordered water to be brought and turned it into the best wine.

When the master of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine and did not know where it came from (but the servants who had drawn the water knew), the master of the feast called the bridegroom. And he said to him, “Every man at the beginning sets out the good wine, and when the guests have well drunk, then the inferior. You have kept the good wine until now!

John 2:9,10

This miracle shows how a marriage in the presence of the Lord Jesus should be. It doesn’t get worse, but it gets better over time. The more the years go by, the more the couple adjusts and becomes closer and similar. They become one flesh, as God designed.

In the world, marriages usually tend to deteriorate, and people get sick of each other. They say that marriage for life is something retrograde, that you can no longer expect to live with someone until death. And I don’t blame these people because they have never known a good marriage in Jesus.

In the Bible, usually, wine symbolises joy, and just as it ends during the party, joy ends between the couple, and they get colder and indifferent; they are like two strangers. The wine has been finished for a long time, and the joy is gone because they never brought the Lord Jesus into the marriage.

But I speak to couples and singles: if you bring the Lord Jesus into your marriage, bring His teachings and practice them, He will always make the wine better. Every year that passes will get better.

Cristiane and I have completed 33 years of marriage this year, and it is getting better and better. The Word of God is fulfilled in the lives of those who practice it. It wasn’t always like that; my marriage started well; it was good for 1 year, and then it began to deteriorate, and in the 12th year, she was ready to file for divorce. Because we didn’t have a marriage the way Jesus taught. The wine was running out. But when we learned to subject ourselves to His way, we became that 3-folded cord which is not easily broken (Ecclesiastes 4:12).

You can do that too. Try inviting the Lord Jesus into your marriage. Test this, and He will be able to turn the water of your marriage, without flavour, into the best wine. Just try to know what He wants you to do at home as a husband or a wife.

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Bishop Renato Cardoso