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Facts that most men (and women) don’t know about porn

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A wife asked us:

My husband always looks when women walk by. He insists on watching pornos. I don’t like that sort of thing. He says that it’s normal, men are like that… I don’t think so. He’s even rented films without telling me and watched them when I wasn’t home. What do I do to get this out of my marriage?


Unfortunately your husband is another victim of the false advertising that promotes pornography. Men, and nowadays women, have believed in the lie that porno films help to “spice up your relationship.”

At first sight, yes. However, there have been recent studies of men who watch porn regularly and the discoveries are very negative. Some of the consequences include.

  • A man winds up lowering his capacity of having regular sex with his wife because he becomes conditioned to the other virtual women.
  • He is no longer satisfied just with his wife.
  • He can have difficulty in getting an erection if he doesn’t watch something pornographic, or he can even experience erectile dysfunction (impotence).
  • He ends up being addicted to masturbation (lowering his performance with his wife).
  • He may go deeper into extreme pornography in order to feel the same effect.
  • He begins to treat his wife as an object: using her as an object of pleasure, even forcing her into practicing aggressive, or kinky sexual acts in an attempt to imitate the porno films.

This information is easily accessible in medical and scientific sources on the internet.

And don’t fool yourself with that justification that all addicts like to use, “I’m not addicted, I can stop anytime I want,” it doesn’t work with any other addiction, much less pornography. Scientists have already confirmed that pornography has the same effect on the brain as alcohol and cocaine.

Share this information with your husband. If he doesn’t believe it, ask him to simply observe the results of pornography in his behavior. If he is honest with himself, he will recognize that it’s damaging to him as a man and to you as a couple.

The fact that a lot of men practice it, doesn’t make it “normal.” I suggest that you stand firmly on this matter with your husband and ask him to keep your marriage free from this.


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