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How often have you put yourself in God's position and made Him your servant? Wanting things your way, your will prevailing in everything; unfortunately, there's no way He can do His best if you don't allow it, so trust and learn this faith with quality.

A young man said to me, ‘Bishop, I am losing my faith in God.’ I was surprised, obviously, and asked what was going on. He said: “Bishop, I have always been part of the Church. I have tried to do things in the Church as I learnt. I serve, and I am part of volunteering groups. But there’s one thing I’ve been asking God for years, and He hasn’t answered. I’m realising that I’ve started to harbour grudges against God.”

My response was this: “Has it occurred to you that perhaps what you are asking for is not what God wants for you? In His infinite wisdom, He sees that this will not help you as you think.”

Unfortunately, this young man’s attitude is the same as that of many today: they think God exists to fulfil their desires. If you believe in a “god” who grants your every desire, who is the real “god” in this relationship? Wouldn’t the “god” be you? In other words, this type of mistaken relationship is more common than it seems (especially in a Christian environment). It is the typical thought of a person who has heard of verses that appeal to human desires, such as: “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want”. These people embraced these verses out of context and did not understand what they really say. These people didn’t even understand the beginning of the Gospel.

The Lord Jesus Himself said: “(…) I do not seek My own will but the will of the Father who sent Me” (John 5:30).

He did not come to do His will. He even prayed for the cup to be passed from Him, but the Father did not spare Him because it was not the Father’s will. And the Son, in complete trust, submitted to the Father.

Sometimes, we have to drink from the “cup”. It’s like that child where the father has to give them that medicine that tastes bad, and they frown and turn away. But their father makes them take the medicine. So, the “cup” is sometimes bitter, but it will do us good.

Some people put something in their heads and don’t want to know if it is God’s will. First comes God’s will. And we need to learn to believe without understanding. Because sometimes it doesn’t seem to make sense.

What we have to take as a lesson is that we have to trust (even if we don’t understand what is happening, God’s apparent silence). Silence means that God is doing something else that, later on, we will understand. This type of faith is of the highest quality. It is the one that does not see, touch, or understand but trusts in the character of God. I know it’s not easy, but it’s better that way.

Because of this trust, the children know His will will be infinitely better than their own will.

Meditate on this through the video above.

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Bishop Renato Cardoso