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A weapon to overcome evildoers

Imagem de capa - A weapon to overcome evildoers

Part 5 of 7 – click here for part I
Part 4 of 7
Part 3 of 7
Part 2 of 7

For my prayer will still be against the deeds of evildoers […] Keep me safe from the traps set by evildoers, from the snares they have laid for me. Let the wicked fall into their own nets, while I pass by in safety. — Psalm 141:5,9,10

When we see people doing evil just so they can harm us, we usually have some instinctive reactions, e.g. we pay evil with evil, we attack the person, we run away, we give up, we cry, we lose our strength. It’s even acceptable to act in self-defense; after all, we shouldn’t be anyone’s punching bag. But David’s most powerful weapon was prayer.

David faced enemies from his youth until the day he died. From Goliath to King Saul, and even his own son Absalom, he knew what it meant to be a target of the deeds of evildoers. Even so, he always escaped unscathed—but not without help from above.

Many people quit praying when a situation gets worse. They say, “This is not working. God doesn’t hear me.” And so, they abandon their faith. But David said, “For my prayers will still be against the deeds of evildoers.”

As long as you are in the battle, you have a chance of clinching a victory. But as soon as you quit, then defeat is certain.

Is your spouse doing what is evil? Is there a lover wanting to take your husband away? Haven’t you yet met the person you’ve been anxiously waiting for to start a relationship? Are there people stabbing you in the back on social media?

Keep praying!

Don’t give up your faith and objectives. Don’t turn your back on your God. Don’t give up on yourself.



This is the third part of a seven-day meditation on Psalm 141. If you wish to do it from the start, then start here. Here’s how to join in:

  1. Read Psalm 141 in your Bible and meditate on its words throughout this week.
  2. Make a prayer request to God for your love life (or any other area where there is a more urgent need) during the morning hours for seven days as of today.
  3. Be specific in your request; write it down on a sheet of paper and keep it in your Bible, on the page of Psalm 141.
  4. Log on to this blog daily and read the messages that will follow.
  5. On the seventh day (March 26), take your request to the Love Therapy meeting nearest to you and give it to the pastor in charge.
  6. This is optional: invite someone, who is in need of this, to join you in doing this challenge.

Let’s do this challenge together. Do exactly as instructed. Have faith that your request will be answered.


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